Learn from stars and fashionistas 6 ways to dress beautifully with wide-leg pants

Culottes became popular in the Victorian era, allowing women to secretly wear shorts because their shape resembled a midi-skirt.

The evolution of culottes – wide-leg shorts – through the ages (Photo: Nymag).

Culottes are quite easy to match whether you have a tall or short, skinny or plump body.

In addition to being over-the-knee length, wide-leg pants are also modified with heel-covering length, helping the wearer gain more height, while also helping to partially cover the shortcomings of not-so-slim legs.

1. Wear culottes with a matching shirt

Combining wide-leg pants with the same color as the shirt will bring a smart and elegant look to the wearer.

Learn from stars and fashionistas 6 ways to dress beautifully with wide-leg pants

(Photo: Getty Images)

Learn from stars and fashionistas 6 ways to dress beautifully with wide-leg pants

(Photo: @inkangela)

2. Combine with shirt

No matter where fashionistas go during the day or attend evening events, just packing a shirt with culottes is enough to create a unique transformation as well as create a harmonious, balanced figure.

Learn from stars and fashionistas 6 ways to dress beautifully with wide-leg pants


3. Be more modest with a peplum shirt

The design of wide-leg pants is mostly high-waisted and tight at the waist to maximize the waist and legs.

Learn from stars and fashionistas 6 ways to dress beautifully with wide-leg pants

(Photo: @cindy.octaviany)

4. Sneakers

You don’t have to climb into high heels all the time when wearing wide-legged pants.

Learn from stars and fashionistas 6 ways to dress beautifully with wide-leg pants

5. Simple is never wrong

This may seem like obvious advice at first, but sticking to neutral tones and simplifying your accessories when wearing a staple like wide-legged pants is one way to do it.

(Photo: @inkangela)

Choose colors like black, navy blue, cream, brown to easily coordinate with these special pants.

6. Create accents with bright colored accessories

If you are still not completely confident in the special design of culottes and still want a bit of a challenge, you can add highlights with the colorful colors of accompanying fashion items such as high heels,

(Photo: @olivialazuardy)

In addition to the cropped culotte pants, a small variation of wide-leg pants with a floor-length silhouette is also very popular with Vietnamese stars and fashionistas.

(Photo: @chaubui_)

(Photo: @minhtu_nguyen)

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