If aging is a nightmare after the age of 24, then acne is an obsession that haunts women regardless of time.
Diversity of acne
We can have many types of acne at the same time.
The two most recognizable types of acne are whiteheads and blackheads.
Pustules are a warning sign that the skin is in poor condition.
In addition, cystic acne is also a scary ‘monster’ because of its persistence and difficulty in treating it.
Mechanism of acne formation
In fact, there are many causes of acne such as genetic factors.
Clogged pores are the main cause of acne.
Although hormonal factors are difficult to deal with, you can still control some other acne-causing factors such as: inappropriate skin care, toxic cosmetics, sweat regulation, and medication use.
Remember: Absolutely do not squeeze acne arbitrarily!
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Squeezing acne can be considered a way to treat acne, but it is also a ‘double-edged sword’ that makes the skin worse because the acne follicles are damaged and take a long time to recover.
Acne removal: Needs to be done properly and hygienically
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The best time to squeeze acne is after a hot bath because then the pores are expanding, creating conditions for the acne removal process to take place easily.
Diet has a significant impact on the skin
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Some studies have shown a connection between acne and food.
If you don’t want your skin to get worse, consider your daily diet and limit foods high in sugar and spicy.
Get rid of acne with treatment products
One of the ways to treat acne that many girls apply is to use appropriate specialized cosmetics.
The secret to being healthy and beautiful
5 best value-for-money acne creams for beauty
Although benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are miracle cures for getting rid of acne, you should be careful to moisturize well because they will dry out your skin quite a bit, making your skin peel and making it harder to absorb powder.
Many acne treatments come with anti-aging benefits
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For older people, fighting acne is not the only concern.
Consider taking medication
Medical treatment is also a safe and effective way to treat acne that you should apply.
Photo: marykay
Always remember: Acne can leave pits
Pitted scars caused by acne are an extremely serious obsession for women.
Photo: liliana
Some treatments for pitted scars recommended by doctors include using laser or blue light to smooth the skin.
Conclusion: Always memorize the ‘clean skin mantra’
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Besides making efforts to nourish your skin and prepare it carefully for the acne treatment process, never forget the most basic thing of always keeping your skin clean.
See more:
Effectively treat acne with 5 benign, anti-inflammatory herbs
Korean skin care steps help you treat acne effectively