On Tuesday, June 5, the fashion world was shocked by the news that designer Kate Spade – the mother of famous handbag designs – committed suicide in her private apartment in Manhattan.
Designer Kate Spade passed away at the age of 55. (Photo: Flytime TV)
Her real name is Katherine Noel Brosnahan, commonly known as Kate.
She eventually accepted a proposal from her boyfriend to combine their names.
The lines depicting the name Kate Spade in a luxurious and sophisticated style are what create the charm of the American handbag brand.
At first, Kate Spade deservedly enjoyed the results.
She received 124 million dollars for this contract (a large part of which was intellectual property rights in her name), but trouble happened to the American designer.
Image of Kate Spade store in New York City.
After 2006, Kate almost disappeared from public life, although the brand she founded continued to create fashion waves.
Frances Valentine is seen by Kate as a new beginning in her life.
When asked about the definition of a good life, designer Kate confidently answered: `Family and loyal friends.`
Fashion news
Designer Kate Spade committed suicide in her private apartment
Despair and struggling with depression for a long time, leading to an increasingly complicated relationship between her and her husband, were probably the reasons she chose to commit suicide.
Designer Kate and husband Andy Spade.
However, the husband denied all the rumors.
He added that they have been living separately for the past 10 months, but they are not legally separated or have plans to divorce.
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