Top 10 super cool technology toys that Iron Man has created in comics

Let’s take a look at 10 super cool tech toys that Iron Man has created in comics:

1. Sol’s Hammer – Earth’s defense line

This line was built by Tony Stark when collisions between worlds were occurring, with the desire to use this machine to absorb energy from the Sun combined with the technology of the Shi’ar empire.

During the Time Runs Out event, when the Shi’ar warship fleet attacked Earth under Gladiator’s orders, Tony alone went to Sol’s Hammer to absorb a large amount of energy from the Sun to take down the entire fleet in

2. Titanomech – machines of mass destruction

Created by Tony Stark and Peter Parker, Titanomech is an incredible weapon of mass destruction that Tony created `for fun.`

Later, a dangerous enemy of Tony, the Mandarin, possessed this blueprint and sought to control both Tony and Iron Monger Zeke Stane to build Titanomechs for him.

Top 10 super cool technology toys that Iron Man has created in comics

3. Swarm – Tony Stark’s swarm of tiny nano robots

The microscopic robots I mentioned above are collectively called Swarm.

4. Stark Sentinel – the enemy of superheroes

After possessing Professor X’s superpowers during the AXIS incident, Red Skull became a dangerous villain named Red Onslaught.

Top 10 super cool technology toys that Iron Man has created in comics

Things got even worse when they were able to take down all the Avengers, X-Men and superheroes fighting there except Iron Man, and trap them inside their bodies.

5. Helios Laser – the atomic bomb that defeated the Hulk

Helios Laser appeared for the first time in the latest war between Hulk and his Avengers teammates, after Hulk absorbed all the gamma of another superhero, Sasquatch.

Top 10 super cool technology toys that Iron Man has created in comics

After evacuating the surrounding area and ensuring no civilians were affected, Tony pressed the fire button.

6. Airborne Nano-Camera – tiny cameras that can create holograms

With cameras as small as a cell, Tony Stark’s series of nano-cams were used by S.H.I.E.L.D.

7. Enervation Intensifier – a machine that transforms matter

Top 10 super cool technology toys that Iron Man has created in comics

Tony once designed this machine for medical research, but when it was not registered, he had to use it to save the life of his close friend Happy Hogan without being tested.

8. Tony Stark 2.0

After being attacked by members of Beautiful Garbage, Tony’s newly improved Iron Man Model 28 armor activated its internal programming, scanned his brain and became a copy of Tony Stark called Tony Stark 2.0.

Not only equipped with a speed of up to Mach 8 (3km/s) on land as well as Mach 1 underwater thanks to multi-function boosters in his legs, Tony Stark 2.0 is smart and has excellent reflexes.

Top 10 super cool technology toys that Iron Man has created in comics

9. Clement – the ship that shattered the comet

Created during Tony’s time as United States Secretary of Defense, Clement was a weapon to stop a giant comet on its way to Earth.

10. Telepathic Microscopic Tasers – devices to stop psychic metahumans

Created by Tony during the war between the Avengers and X-Men, 17,000 of these devices were released to prevent Emma Stone from using her telepathic powers during the event, and electrocute its users.

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