Good books December 2019

Mailbox No. 110 – Yi Do Woo

His love tiptoes and walks gingerly

You have entered my flower garden, right?

Although not allowed yet.

At the age of 30, busy in the familiar daily rhythm of life, Jin Sol quietly kept the luxurious vibrations of love deep in her heart.

Mailbox No. 110


Dogs and cats under a scientific lens – Antonio Fischetti

Do you have a dog or cat?

Through many experiments, veterinarians and scientists have tried to decode the mysteries of the behavior, habits… of dogs and cats, helping us understand more about these four-legged friends.

This good book is an indispensable guide for a genuine `lotus`!

Good books December 2019

Dogs and Cats Under the Lens of Science


Going up the hill to pick myrtle – Thao Nguyen

Going up the hill to pick myrtle is the first collection of short stories by Thao Nguyen, a native of Quang Nam far from home.

Good books December 2019

Go up the Hill to Pick Sim


Along the tea road – Do Quang Tuan Hoang

Along the tea road is the 10-year journey of author Do Quang Tuan Hoang, following the footsteps of wealthy people looking for beautiful scenery and delicious tea to enjoy;

Good books December 2019

Horizontal and Vertical Tea Road


Choosing to change your life – Tom Ziglar

Have you ever been disappointed with your job, career or relationships?

In this great book, Tom offers a process with simple steps that help bring about great changes – focusing on 7 key areas: mindset, spirit, body, family, finances.

Good books December 2019

Choosing To Change Your Life


Halfway around the world, drink a cup of tea – Di Li

Drinking a Cup of Tea Halfway Around the World is a good book about culinary travel by author Di Li.

Good books December 2019

Halfway Around the World Drink a Cup of Tea


Black Book – Otegha Uwagba

The Black Book is a great book of career advice drawn from the wise and profound knowledge and experience of author Otegha Uwagba (founder of Women-Who, a community created to connect

Good books December 2019

Are you a workaholic type woman?

Black Book – Successful Women’s Toolkit


The Displaced Person – Many authors

The book includes an introduction by Nguyen Thanh Viet and 17 articles by 17 authors who are refugees from all over the world, including 2 authors of Vietnamese origin – Thi Bui and Vu Tran.

Good books December 2019

The Fragrance Guy


A trip – Nguyen Nguyen Phuoc

A Trip is the latest novel by writer and translator Nguyen Nguyen Phuoc, translator of two works: It’s Hard to Find a Good Man and Fear and Trembling.

Good books December 2019

A trip


Cancer is not a disease, but a healing mechanism – Andreas Moritz

What you are about to read may shake or even destroy the foundation of your beliefs about your body, health, and healing.

Good books December 2019

Cancer Is Not A Disease, But A Healing Mechanism


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