How to fall asleep faster?

Tips for living

Practice 7 body language habits to create a successful image

The article is based on the advice of Dr. Weil of the National Sleep Foundation, widely known through Oprah’s recommendation and has published many valuable books.

Breathing exercise 4-7-8

How to fall asleep faster?

Inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth is the core principle of the 4-7-8 breathing method.

First, practicing proper breathing is the key to helping the steps to relax and relieve the body go smoothly and properly.

Practitioners need to sit straight and maintain this posture throughout the exercise.

Relax your whole body

How to fall asleep faster?

Listening to your body and focusing on relaxing and relaxing your body will help women fall asleep more easily.

Full body relaxation is a method that can be done right in your bed, the relaxation will start from the toes and go up to the neck.

Sleep together

How to fall asleep faster?

Feeling safe when lying next to the person you love helps women relieve pressure and stress.

A 2009 study found that sleeping with someone of the opposite sex gives women a sense of security and helps women sleep more deeply.

Explaining this study, the doctor said that sleeping with someone of the opposite sex will help women reduce stress hormones and increase the amount of love hormones in the body.

Get out of bed after 20 minutes

How to fall asleep faster?

Get out of bed after 20 minutes of focusing on falling asleep without success.

The National Sleep Foundation also advises, when you can’t fall asleep after being in bed for 20 minutes;

Keep your feet warm

How to fall asleep faster?

Keeping your feet warm is one of the methods to help women fall asleep more easily.

Sleep research experts from the National Sleep Foundation also emphasize keeping the body warm, especially the feet, helps achieve better quality and more effective sleep.

Above are 5 basic ways to help you fall asleep faster and can be easily applied.

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