Kim Jong-un’s urgent mission

Mr. Kim Jong-un may receive more support from Beijing after Washington taxed products imported from China.

North Korea’s rare detailed news about Kim Jong-un’s visit to China

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s visit to Beijing makes the US and South Korea question what he is doing there and what he wants from China.

Arriving in Beijing on the armored ship that his father, the late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, used to reach China before his death in 2011, Mr. Kim Jong-un is said to be looking for support.

More importantly, Kim Jong-un wants to fight sanctions that have caused the North Korean economy to struggle in recent years.

Although he does not like to be a sidekick, Kim Jong-un needs China’s help to resist increased pressure from the US in the context of Mr. John Bolton becoming the new national security advisor of Donald Trump’s administration.

Kim Jong-un’s biggest hope is to offer to freeze missile and nuclear testing in exchange for Washington and Seoul agreeing to stop joint military exercises.

The urgency of the above mission is clearly shown by the fact that Mr. Kim Jong-un finally agreed to go abroad for the first time since coming to power in 2011. Mr. Kim accompanied his father to Beijing at least once but

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Beijing Photo: KCNA

However, Mr. Kim can be sure of more support from Beijing after the Trump administration taxed products imported from China.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called Trump’s move a mistake that in the long run will only harm the US and bilateral relations.

While being tough on Beijing, the Trump administration resolved the trade dispute with Seoul.

In a sign that North Korea fears a strong US-South Korea alliance, the North Korean Workers’ Party newspaper Rodong Sinmun warned South Korea’s armed forces not to betray the `spirit of cooperation` between the two Koreas.

Some analysts believe that President Xi Jinping may have urged Kim Jong-un to visit Beijing.

According to Xuan Mai


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