Quiz: Explore your spiritual energy through your favorite planet

Please choose your favorite planet in the following quiz and follow the answers below.

1. Jupiter

Quiz: Explore your spiritual energy through your favorite planet

Photo: Scitech Daily

Dubbed the `great luck` planet, in astrology, Jupiter represents opportunity, expansion, and generosity.

With your compassionate heart, you are very trustworthy, have a sense of responsibility, and love to contribute to society through meaningful community activities.

2. Mars

Quiz: Explore your spiritual energy through your favorite planet

Photo: Time

In this test, Mars represents active, creative, decisive and passionate people.

Instead of being disappointed in yourself when things don’t go well, courageously step out of your comfort zone and shine confidently.

3. Mercury

Quiz: Explore your spiritual energy through your favorite planet

Photo: NASA

In Roman mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the gods.

In addition, you are thoughtful, know how to listen and love a prosperous and fulfilling life.

4. Neptune

Quiz: Explore your spiritual energy through your favorite planet

Photo: Tech Spot

Neptune belongs to the subconscious, soul, body, past and future.

With a mysterious personality, you always know how to skillfully control your emotions.

5. Saturn (Saturn)

Quiz: Explore your spiritual energy through your favorite planet

Photo: Wallpaper Site

As the planet of constant progress, Saturn symbolizes practicality, responsibility and the immutable laws of life.

Your innate spiritual energy makes you an indispensable character in every group.

6. Venus

Photo: NASA

Known as the `lucky little` planet, Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, charm as well as the persuasive advantage of women.

With dozens of groundbreaking ideas, you possess special talents in many artistic fields such as literature, painting, music, cuisine… In addition, you are also a kind, tolerant and compassionate person.

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