Take a look at fruit juices that help cool you down quickly

Vietnam is entering the hottest period of the year with an average temperature of 40ºC.

“Drinking fresh fruit juices and eating whole foods to provide fiber is an approach to a healthy diet” – Father of fruit juice in the United States, Jay Kordich.

Cool off with Coconut Water

Coconut water has a sweet, refreshing taste and rich nutritional content such as amino acids and glucose.

Photo: Kalpsheart/X.

However, because of its cooling properties, people with low blood pressure, prone to hypotension, and whose body has a cold nature, should limit the use of coconut water.

Take a look at fruit juices that help cool you down quickly

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

7 cooling drinks for summer

Cool your body with Orange Juice

According to Dr. Nguyen Thi Son (Department of Traditional Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital – Campus 3), adding orange juice on hot days helps the body cool down and brings many health benefits.

Take a look at fruit juices that help cool you down quickly

Photo: ABHISHEK HAJARE/ unsplash.

You should drink orange juice in the morning and about 45-60 minutes after meals.

Cool down your body with pennywort water

According to Traditional Medicine, Gotu kola has cold (cold), tan (spicy), and bitter (bitter) properties, so it is often used to nourish yin, clear heat, lax the liver, detoxify, and diuretic.

Take a look at fruit juices that help cool you down quickly

Photo: Teerang at Home.

You can drink one cup of pennywort equivalent to 40 grams per day.

Take a look at fruit juices that help cool you down quickly

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Fruit ice cubes: a little sweetness to cool off in the summer

Thirsty with sugarcane juice

Sugarcane juice has a sweet, syrupy taste and is pressed from peeled sugarcane.

Take a look at fruit juices that help cool you down quickly

Photo: Getty Images.

You can drink 100-200ml of sugarcane juice to cool down and it is best in the afternoon.

Cool off with green tea

According to Traditional Medicine, green tea (green tea) has the effect of clearing heat, refreshing, supporting digestion, diuretic and calming the mind.

Photo: Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash.

You can drink green tea every day in the morning.

During hot summer days, the most effective way to cool down is to add water to the body.

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