Why do you need to change your facial care according to your menstrual cycle?

During the `red light` period, women often fall into a state of body fatigue accompanied by skin deterioration.

Photo: Bryan Apen

Why do `red light days` affect the skin?

As you know, estrogen and progesterone are two important hormones in women.

Why do you need to change your facial care according to your menstrual cycle?

Photo: Jacob Postuma

Why do you need to change your facial care according to your menstrual cycle?

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

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How to care for your skin according to your menstrual cycle

Luteal Phase

During the luteal phase (the day your cycle starts), when your progesterone is at its highest, hormonal acne begins to occur.

Why do you need to change your facial care according to your menstrual cycle?

Photo: Natural Dermatology

When sebum is produced heavily and acne-causing bacteria grow, women can limit excess oil by using facial cleanser regularly twice a day.

Menstruation Phase

During menstruation, progesterone levels decrease, the skin will gradually recover from its previous acne condition.

Why do you need to change your facial care according to your menstrual cycle?

Photo: Dermstore

During your period, you should add gentle cleansers along with moisturizers to your skin care routine.

Follicular Stage

Next comes the follicular phase: estrogen and progesterone levels begin to rise again.

Why do you need to change your facial care according to your menstrual cycle?

Photo: Beauty Heaven

To help your skin quickly improve at this stage, the best facial care method is to use skin care lotions with whitening and moisture enhancing functions.

Ovulation Phase

Finally, when ovulation arrives, the extremely increased estrogen levels will make your skin vibrant.

Photo: Buttermilk Skincare

When the skin is at its most beautiful and can fully absorb nutrients, it is necessary to supplement the skin with nutrients.

See more:

Take care of your body according to the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle

How to care for dry skin and make it smooth with vitamins

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