Great quotes from the movie P.S I Love You

Not caring about work, immersed in memories and regrets all day long, Holly made her mother Patricia and her two close friends, Denise and Sharon, extremely worried.

On her 30th birthday, Holly received a large birthday cake with a tape recorder.

It turned out that Gerry had planned it all and every day there was a letter from him to Holly with instructions on the road ahead.

Along with the letters, Holly’s journey to find the meaning of life begins…


`The important thing is not whether you still remember me or not` – P.S I Love You movie poster.

The film opens with a scene that you, if you have a family, can easily see yourself in.

When the evil disease took Gerry’s life, Holly, more than ever, felt the loneliness, emptiness, and ultimate pain because the person she loved the most, the person who understood her the most in the world was no longer there.

There were scenes in the movie when Holly could not help but imagine the loving image of her husband, causing viewers to shed tears of sympathy.

“The important thing is not whether you still remember me or not.”

The passionate instructions in each letter from Gerry to Holly prove that: The power of love can transform the end of death to the beginning of a new life.

Let’s take a look at ELLE’s great quotes from the classic love movie P.S I Love You:

1. “Shoot for the moon, even if you fail, you’ll land among the stars.”


Fly to the moon high in the sky, even if you fail, you will land among the stars.

Fly to the moon high in the sky, even if you fail, you will land among the stars.

2. “She had been given a wonderful gift: life.


She was given the most wonderful gift by God, this life.

She was given the most wonderful gift by God, this life.

3. “Finding someone you love and loves you back is a wonderful feeling.


A soulmate is someone who understands you better than anyone else and is always there for you no matter what.

Finding someone you give your heart to and he truly loves you is such a wonderful feeling.

4. “She couldn’t remember the last time she hugged someone, really hugged someone.”


She couldn’t even remember the last time she actually hugged someone.

She couldn’t even remember the last time she actually hugged someone.

5. “She needed to talk, she needed to cry, she needed to vent all her frustrations and disappointments.”


She needed to talk, she needed to cry, she needed to let all her heartache and frustration out.

She needed to talk, needed to cry, needed to vent all her pain and frustration.

6. “Nobody’s life is filled with perfect little moments.


How can you understand true happiness when you have not yet tasted the taste of suffering?!

There is no one whose life is only full of happy moments.

7. “I’m a million different things every day of the week.”


I am a million different things every day of the week!

I am a million different things every day of the week!

8. “We haven’t lost everything, if we haven’t lost our hope.”


We haven’t really lost everything if we haven’t lost hope.

We haven’t really lost everything if we haven’t lost hope.

9. “Fear drives us to do many things in our lives.


Fear drives us to many things in life.

Fear drives us to many things in life.

10. “Don’t be afraid to fall in love again.


Don’t be afraid to open your heart and love again.

Don’t be afraid to open your heart and love again.

PS: I always love you!

If you really aren’t a fan of life philosophies or are tired of lectures on how to live well, simply enjoy the beautiful Irish scenery, with its vast lawns.

Get excited to the tune of funny songs that funny guy Gerry sends to his wife at the karaoke bar and sometimes quietly listen to the heartbreaking sound of a sad love song…

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