Body language expert Patti Wood once said that a handbag can `express your status, interests, creativity and personality`.
Photo: Working Women
Bag 1: Creative and minimalist
If you choose bag number 1, you are a creative person and a minimalist.
Bag 2: Ideal
The test results show that you are an optimistic person and have ideals in life.
Quiz: What does the butterfly you choose reveal about your personality?
Bag 3: Fashionista
The quiz shows that you are the most fashionable girl in your group of friends.
Bag 4: Serious and determined
If you love bag number 4, you are an independent woman with clear goals and direction.
Quiz: Choose a pair of shoes and discover what’s unique about your personality
Bag #5: The soul of the party
The party doesn’t really start until you enter.
Bag #6: Multitasking
You think of your handbag as a miniature suitcase, because you want to carry every personal item you need.